Monday, May 10, 2010

Getting closer...I think

Went flying for a couple of hours after work last Friday. There were towering cumulus clouds (pilot translation: bad news) over both mountain ranges, but for the 50 miles or so between, skies were just about clear. However, given all those clouds over the mountains, I expected some turbulence in unstable air. And that's what I got.

I found enough pockets of smooth air north of Olympia to practice steep turns. During my maneuvers I requested (and was granted) "flight following" or VFR traffic advisories from Seattle approach. I like them knowing who I am and what I'm doing when I'm under a Bravo airspace shelf...and it helps to have them as an extra set of eyes for traffic. As expected the controller was courteous, helpful, and responsive, despite a fairly heavy load of IFR traffic (which takes priority over VFR traffic like me).

I did a low approach at KTIW...started off as a touch-and-go, but there were some squirrely winds on short final there, and I didn't feel good about the approach, so I went around. There were four other aircraft in the pattern, so I left and came back to Olympia. The trip back was pretty bumpy, and those cumulus build-ups were getting a little too close for my comfort.

The approach back into Olympia was one of those awesome moments, the vision of which caused me to take up flying in the first place...a beautiful, smooth ride right over downtown Olympia...the state capitol, buildings where I've worked, the field on which my son would play a little league game later that evening...just incredible.

After I landed, while waiting for carry-out dinner, I tallied up the hours in my logbook. I now have logged adequate time to qualify for a private pilot license. My comfort level is not quite there yet, but legally I am! I have one more long cross-country to accomplish, and simulated instrument flight, and some more practice...then I'll be ready. Maybe another 6 weeks?

Lesson with Joel on Wednesday. And the weather is getting better around here!

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